Month: December 2008

  • Merry Christmas!

    To all my friends, I wish you joy and hope and happiness and friendship and love and all good things.  I appreciate you more than I can ever manage to tell you – my life would be poor indeed without you.  May the upcoming year be the best you’ve ever had (of course, I’ll make the same wish for the following year too!). 

  • Life Goes On

    For which I’m grateful.  The gang took me out for dinner at my favorite restaurant to celebrate my birthday last night.  We had a lovely time (I have great friends).  After getting home and saying goodbye to everyone, I spent 45 minutes in the hot tub just relaxing and then went to bed.  I managed feeling comfortable with turning off all the lights in the house, so I guess I’ve fully recovered from my Monday morning adventures!  It’s so weird to think that we’re only a week away from Christmas and only two weeks from a new year.  Time passes so quickly!

  • Fremont High School, Class of ’76

    Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!! REPOST with name of high school and graduating year in the subject box.


    1.      Did you date someone from your school?  

    Once, then I went for older (jr. college) men

    2.      Did you marry someone from your high school?  

    No (one of those jr. college men)

    3.      Did you car pool to school? 


    4.      What kind of car did you have? 

    1967 Buick Riviera, totally restored

    5.      What kind of car do you have now? 


    6.      Its Friday night…where were you? 


    7.      It is Sat night…where are you? 

    Home or at friends’ house

    8.      What kind of job did you have in high school?


    9.      What kind of job do you do now? 


    10.    Were you a party animal?  

    Oh yeah

    11.    Were you considered a flirt? 

    By some

    12.    Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?  

    No, that would have been way too uncool

    13.    Were you a nerd? 


    14.    Did you get suspended or expelled? 


    15.    Can you sing the fight song? 


    16.    Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)?  Senior Year? 

    Sr. Duarte, Spanish

    17.    Where did you sit during lunch? 

    Generally, in the orchard across from the school, along with the rest of my “stoner” friends (yes, really)

    18.    What was your school’s full name?   

    Fremont High School, Sunnyvale, CA

    19.    When did you graduate?  


    20.    What was your school mascot?


    21.    If you could go back and do it again, would you? 

    Only if I got to keep what I know now

    22.    Did you have fun at Prom? 

    As far as I can remember

    23.    Would you talk to the person you went to Prom with?   

    Wouldn’t recognize him if I tripped over him

    24.    Are you planning on going to your next reunion?   

    No, graduated a year early so didn’t really know anyone in my graduating class

    25.    Do you still talk to people from school?   

    No – long ago and far away


  • Meme

    Bold: Done it.
    Plain: Not done it.
    Italics: Wanna do it.

    1. Started your own blog
    2. Slept under the stars
    3. Played in a band (but not a rock band)

    4. Visited Hawaii
    5. Watched a meteor shower
    6. Given more than you can afford to charity
    7. Been to Disneyland/world
    8. Climbed a mountain
    9. Held a praying mantis
    10. Sang a solo
    11. Bungee-jumped
    12. Visited Paris
    13. Watched a lightning storm
    14. Taught yourself an art from scratch

    15. Adopted a child
    16. Had food poisoning
    17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
    18. Grown your own vegetables
    19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
    20. Slept on an overnight train
    21. Had a pillow fight

    22. Hitch hiked
    23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
    24. Built a snow fort

    25. Held a lamb
    26. Gone skinny dipping
    27. Run a marathon
    28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
    29. Seen a total eclipse

    30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
    31. Hit a home run
    32. Been on a cruise
    33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
    34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
    35. Seen an Amish community
    36. Taught yourself a new language
    37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied

    38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
    39. Gone rock climbing
    40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
    41. Sung karaoke

    42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
    43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
    44. Visited Africa
    45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
    46. Been transported in an ambulance
    47. Had your portrait painted
    48. Gone deep sea fishing
    49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
    50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

    51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
    52. Kissed in the rain
    53. Played in the mud
    54. Gone to a drive-in theater

    55. Been in a movie
    56. Visited the Great Wall of China

    57. Started a business
    58. Taken a martial arts class

    59. Visited Russia
    60. Served at a soup kitchen
    61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
    62. Gone whale watching
    63. Got flowers for no reason
    64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma

    65. Gone sky diving
    66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
    67. Bounced a check
    68. Flown in a helicopter
    69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
    70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
    71. Eaten caviar
    72. Pieced a quilt
    73. Stood in Times Square
    74. Toured the Everglades
    75. Been fired from a job
    76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London

    77. Broken a bone
    78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
    79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
    80. Published a book
    81. Visited the Vatican
    82. Bought a brand new car
    83. Walked in Jerusalem
    84. Had your picture in the newspaper
    85. Read the entire Bible
    86. Visited the White House
    87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
    88. Had chickenpox
    89. Saved someone’s life

    90. Sat on a jury
    91. Met someone famous
    92. Joined a book club
    93. Lost a loved one
    94. Had a baby
    95. Seen the Alamo in person
    96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
    97. Been involved in a law suit
    98. Owned a cell phone
    99. Been stung by a bee
    100. Read an entire book in one day

  • Aftermath

    Got back to sleep about 4am this morning and got up about 9am.  I sent an email to my boss in the wee hours this morning, telling him what happened and asking if he minded me working from home today.  I checked when I woke up and his reply was “of course not – anything I can do to help?”  So, I’ve been working here at home, getting some good work done but not concentrating well.  It would have been worse at the office.  I’ve seen police cars cruise by at least once an hour, and I’m glad to see they weren’t just blowing smoke up my butt when they told me they’d be patrolling today.  My muscles are simply not listening to my brain and are remaining tensed up, so I think I’m going to go spend some time in my whirlpool bath.  Then, I’ll come back and see if I can finish up this license agreement I’ve been working on.   Got over being scared before I woke up, but still pissed off.

  • Alarms in the Night

    Well, all those years of paying Brinks a monthly fee seem to have paid off tonight.  I’m sitting here (at 1:45am) waiting for the police forensics team to show up and see if they can get any fingerprints off my french door and patio door.  I was awakened to the sound of my alarm blaring about half an hour ago.  I armed myself and started turning on lights throughout the back of the house.  When I got out into the living room, I found my french doors bowed inward – enough to break the seal and sound the alarm, but not yet quite open.  I could see the deadbolt still linking both halves of the door, but it was a near thing.  The patio door was closed, but I couldn’t see the gate in the fence without going outside (which I wasn’t about to do).  Brinks called about then, and I told them what I was seeing.  They told me to call 911 immediately, and then they called as well.

    There have been a number of home invasion type burglaries in my neighborhood lately.  Most of them have been through doors left unlocked, and most of those have been in the wee hours, but closer to 4am than now.  Because of that, the cops were at my house within just a minute or two.  Six of them were here within the first five minutes after my call, and they’ve fanned out to cover the alleyway and the streets.  (The forensics team just showed up and are dusting the back doors.)  The first cop is upset because he said he and his partner have been patrolling the neighborhood for the past half hour, and he’s pissed that these guys are so brazen they’d try a break-in while the cops were only a couple of streets over.

    It’s 2:30 now, and the cops have just left.  They told me that they’ve been answering a lot of alarms that have gone off because the wind has blown doors open tonight.  However, it looks like mine was an actual attempted break-in: the door was dead-bolted and locked at the top and the door-knob as well; with my enclosed patio, there’s just no way for the wind to gust hard enough to blow open french doors that are dead-bolted shut, and; the gate in the backyard was open.  He asked what kind of car I own and said that my Prius is one of the type of cars these guys are going for.  They break in, grab keys and take off with the cars. 

    He said they’ll have constant patrols through here the rest of the night.  I don’t know when I’ll get back to sleep though.  I’m feeling shaky and pissed off and very wide awake.  Can I just say how glad I am that I’ve got an alarm system and that I’ve been using it?  And how much better I felt with a .380 in my hand than just sitting scared and alone in my bedroom?  OK, I’m starting to ramble now, so I’m going to sign off and go get a glass of wine.

  • I think I like this one . . .

    Which creature of the night are you?
    Your Result: Incubus/Succubus

    It’s all about feeding, isn’t it?  You pay them back from their energy, though.  You give them something (your drama) that will keep them distracted from life, which you consider a terrible joke.

    Cthulu Spawn
    Which creature of the night are you?
    Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

  • All’s Well

    Well, after five years, it was time again.  With a family history of colon cancer, I started getting colonoscopies 10 years ago and have to have one every five years.  The procedure itself is not at all a bother – they put you under light sedation and you’re off to lala land.  When you get home, you take a nap and EAT SOLID FOOD for the first time in 48 hours, and you’re back to normal.  It’s the prep that sucks big time.  At least they’ve made it a litte easier than the last time I did this by adding flavoring and sweetener to the noxious stuff you have to drink the night before.  It was much easier to take – not yummy by any stretch of the imagination, mind you – but I didn’t feel like throwing up even once.  An evening in the bathroom just isn’t the most fun way you can spend your time though.

    My Dad has to go in every other year because they almost always find and snip off a few polyps – his dad died from colon cancer.  The polyps have always been benign, but those are the ones that are likely to go bad and become a malignant cancer if they’re not caught early.  I’m really hoping that I won’t end up like that.  At any rate, I came through with flying colors.  Not a trace of any abnormality, and I don’t have to do it again for five years.  Yippee!